Creating the new human story

When the Cosmic Consciousness is my father; and

The Cosmic Operative Principle (Nature) is my mother; and

The universe is my homeland; then

All people have equal right to enjoy its fruits as a single family.

We create our new human future

Perspectives - Sohail Inayatullah

Sohail Inayatullah is a political scientist, inaugural UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies, Author, Speaker and Professor! He is also one of the world’s foremost futurists.

This presentation was part of the inaugural event at the launch of the YogaEcology platform. In his presentation, Sohail is using the lens of yoga to frame possible futures. The take home message is that while the rapidly changing social environment is creating uncertainty, it also opens possibilities to create a more caring, inclusive social order for us, our children and the coming generations.

For the first time in human history we are at a point in our social evolution to be able to create a social movement based on Universal Consciousness. Imagine a whole society based on the simple idea of a family.


The Ultimate Goal of Life

Does our life have a purpose or are we just body and brain which dies with nothing more? Didi will take you through an insightful journey into the various levels of our being – the physical, mental and transcendent consciousness.
Didi will support you in understanding how to find peace, clarity and harmony, and help remove the waves of agitation that separate us from one another.

The Yoga of Social Transformation

The story of a divided humanity transforming itself into united humanity – one that basks in the noumenal, unconditional love of Universal Consciousness.

Just like the caterpillar, driven by something much beyond its little brain, cocoons itself to re-emerge into the world as a butterfly; humanity is in a phase of transition, to create a better world for all.


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