
Dada Paramatmandanda

Dada Paramatmananda has a monk for over 30 years. He practices and teaches meditation and yoga within the Ananda Marga esoteric spiritual lineage which goes back 7000 years.


Born in then apartheid South Africa, he had very personal experience of the inequities and injustice prevalent within our human society. He thus began his fight for social justice becoming an anti-apartheid and human rights activist.



     While also working as a computer engineer, he wanted to correlate metaphysics with his engineering background and after a lengthy search, he learnt the practice of meditation and yoga. Shortly afterwards he was forced to leave South Africa because of his human rights activism and his anti-apartheid stand.


     He thus quit his career as a computer engineer, travelled to India and undertook his monastic training. He has worked in India, South East Asia, Holland, Italy, England, Ireland and has spent the past 20 years teaching in Australia and the South Pacific.


     He can be contacted at:
