I first came across Ananda Marga at a festival in about 2013. I was fascinated to learn that each asana (yoga posture) works to help balance out our hormones and once we have brought our bodies back into balance, we are more able to consciously ascend. I was invited to the meditation centre, where I was introduced to the most profoundly knowledgeable people I had ever encountered. I was warmly welcomed and felt right at home.
In the years that followed, I began meeting many more practitioners from all different walks of life. I found that the common denominator among them all was a connection to Universal Consciousness and universal love. These principles resonated at levels that I had never felt before and kept me coming back to ask more questions and to participate in the practices of this wonderful philosophy.
When I first heard the words “Yoga Ecology”, I instantly knew this was something I would like to delve deeper into. Though intuitively, I can comprehend that we are all part of a Universal ecosystem, there is a vastness that is difficult to comprehend. And yet through the 7000 year old practice of yoga and meditation, we can start to get closer to that comprehension and take practical steps towards helping to restore the balance of this ecosystem. We do this through our own inner work, as well as aligning with others who have the same desire so that we can share a collective focus and unified direction.